
Showing posts from December, 2016

Colorize A Black/White Image

The image on the top is the black/ and white image. The image on the bottom is my colorized image of the top one. It oohs very dull because it is early New York buildings. It is also a worm's eye view image.

Picasso-esque Cubist Portrait

This is a image of all the different speedsters in the show, The Flash. I merged different characters onto the body of the superhero, The Flash. I used the characters The Flash, Reverse Flash, Zoom, Kid Flash, and the god of speed, Savitar.

Surrealist Digital Portrait

The image on the top is my photoshoped version of the Flash. The image on the bottom is the actual image of the Flash.

Surrealist Digital Landscape

This is my Surrealist Landscape project. I used the superhero The Flash. I then used a image of his speed and put it together. I then photoshoped an image of a time portal. He then goes through the wormhole and enters the portal.

Warhol-esque Painting

The image on the top is me. The image on the bottom is multiple versions of me in different color hues. The images are basically me warhol-ed.

Georgia O'Keeffe Project

This is my Georgia O'Keeffe painting. The image on the top, which is a lili. The image on the bottom is my photoshoped image of the lili. I cropped some of the image and also zoomed in.

Impressionate Portrait

The image on the top is the dotted image of the bottom image. It is a photo of me dotted.

Impressionate Project

This is my impressionate project. This is the landscape of a sunset and it shows darkness. It looks very beautiful,the landscape. Thank you.