The image on the top is the black/ and white image. The image on the bottom is my colorized image of the top one. It oohs very dull because it is early New York buildings. It is also a worm's eye view image.
This is a image of all the different speedsters in the show, The Flash. I merged different characters onto the body of the superhero, The Flash. I used the characters The Flash, Reverse Flash, Zoom, Kid Flash, and the god of speed, Savitar.
This is my Surrealist Landscape project. I used the superhero The Flash. I then used a image of his speed and put it together. I then photoshoped an image of a time portal. He then goes through the wormhole and enters the portal.
This is my Georgia O'Keeffe painting. The image on the top, which is a lili. The image on the bottom is my photoshoped image of the lili. I cropped some of the image and also zoomed in.